Illalu is a 1940 Telugu drama film


Illalu1_1940ఇల్లాలు Illalu is a 1940 Telugu drama film directed by Gudavalli Ramabrahmam.

  • It was a Box-office hit those days, resulting in production of many films with similar concept.
  • Andhra Patrika conducted a film ballot. Illalu won the best film, Gudavalli as the best director and Kanchanamala as the best actress awards.

Cast :

  1. V. Umamaheswara Rao – Murthy
  2. Kanchanamala – Indira, wife of Murthy
  3. Lakshmi Rajyam – Leela
  4. Saluri Rajeswara Rao – Madhu
  5. Raavu Balasaraswathi – Sarala, wife of Madhu
  6. S. Varalakshmi, P. Suribabu – Radio artist

Crew :

Director – Gudavalli Ramabrahmam
Written – Tapi Dharma Rao (Dialogues)
Lyrics – Tapi Dharma Rao and Basavaraju Apparao )
Music – Saluri Rajeswara Rao
Release date – 1940

About the film :

  • illaluMurthy (Umamaheswara Rao) is married to Indira (Kanachanamala) and they live happily. Subsequently he falls in love with Leela (Lakshmi Rajyam), an educated and sophisticated lady. He brings her home as his second wife, making Indira unhappy. However Indira performs her duties as the devoted housewife on one side and wins over her husband with patience and perseverance. Finally Indira emerges successful and they lived happily.

Illalu Songs :  (Music album by S. Rajeswara Rao)

  • Saluri Rajeswara Rao Bhaava GeetaaluThere are some melodious songs written by Tapi Dharma Rao. Music is scored by Saluri Rajeswara Rao.
Dina Dinamu Papadni     –       (Singer: Kanchanamala)
Jalavihagaali Gaana       –       (Singers: Umamaheswara Rao,Lakshmi Rajyam)
Kavyapaanamu Chesi     –       (Singers: Rajeswara Rao,Balasaraswati)
Koyilokasari Vachi          –       (Singer: S. Varalakshmi)
Neepai Mohamuno          –       (Singers: P. Suribabu,S. Varalakshmi)
Suma Komala Kanulela    –      (Singers: Rajeswara Rao ,Balasaraswati)