
Gundamma Katha (1962) – Comedy Drama Film

  Gundamma Katha (English: Gundamma's story) is a 1962 Indian Telugu-language comedy-drama film directed by Kamalakara Kameswara Rao and co-produced by B. Nagi Reddy and...

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Mosagallaku Mosagadu

Mosagallaku Mosagadu was a 1971 first Indian, Telugu Cowboy film. It was produced by G. Adiseshagiri Rao, directed by K. S. R. Das in...

Pelli Chesi Choodu 1952

Pelli Chesi Choodu: is a 1952 Indian bilingual satirical comedy film directed by L. V. Prasad and produced by B. Nagi Reddy and Aluri...

Mahamantri Timmarusu (1962) Telugu Film

Mahamantri Timmarusu is a 1962 Telugu historical film directed by Kamalakara Kameshwara Rao. Versatile character actor Gummadi Venkateswara Rao played the key role, while...

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